An apricot tart had been on my list for a while now, so I finally got around to making this for an Australia Day lunch. My original plan was to make an apricot tart I found in my local newspaper, but decided to change plans after the sour cream pastry failed beyond belief.
So I decided play around with a tried and true French Pear Tart recipe and replaced the pears with vanilla infused apricots from Bills Sydney Food cookbook.
The result? a moist, nutty filling encased in a rich crumbly pastry with bursts of fruity goodness. It may not win any prizes for being the prettiest of tarts, but it's homely presence and down-to-earth simplistic deliciousness earns it a place in the pages of my favourites scrapbook.

Vanilla Apricot & Almond Tart
Recipe to follow shortly...
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